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the sacrificial lamb
he stands before the altar,
a sacrificial lamb
lost for words he falters,
as he shakes another hand
they’re giving him a watch today
they say he’s a lucky man
able to retire with,
his health and pension plan
a watch to show for thirty years
of dedicated service
the watch he needed years ago
when keeping time served purpose
do they think that he’ll find comfort now
in knowing the time of day?
while all his friends are working
and he slowly wastes away
i’ve always thought it cruel and cold
insulting and insincere
to give a man perpetual time
when time is his biggest fear
second by second, minute by minute
the hours the days and the weeks
watching the months and the years as they pass
growing older, more feeble, and weak
and when near to death, on his bed he lies
he’ll find comfort in knowing the time
he can look at the hands with a watchful eye
and see the second he dies
that last second must be such a long, long time
infinity unto itself
and I wonder whether I’ll spend it
safe in heaven or burning in hell
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