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center stage

he’s underneath the spotlight

standing center stage

he’s earned the right to be there

looking good despite his age

yes, he’s the center of attention,

everyone’s his friend tonight

the air is filled with good intentions,

his heart is filled with pure delight


tonight, will mark a new beginning

with any luck he still has time 

to celebrate his living, yes  

he’s passed the test of time

the last one’s out of college

the weddings all have past

with children having children

the time has come - at last


to do the things he should have done

the things he wants to do

the time has come to right the wrongs,

amend, and start anew

for once again he’s come of age

the boy turned man, the man turned sage

who in his old and wizened ways

looks forward now to better days


to reap the long-sown benefits

of saving hard and spending less

reverse the process while he can

to find the boy inside the man


to sate’ his curiosity

to write the final chapter

complete the book he wants to read

apprentice become master



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